Architectural Concepts



Architectural Concepts has over 35 years experience.  The firm's principal has master-planned, designed, and completed over 100 projects for a variety of clients including private non-profit and for-profit providers, and governmental agencies.  The firm's experience includes new and remodeled facilities of all types and uses, large and small commercial buildings, and large mixed-use commercial.


Architectural Concepts has developed hospitals, laboratories, clinics and computer facilities for domestic and foreign clients. In addition, he has been a designer and master planner for new towns in the U.S., Canada, and Saudi Arabia.  The work involved master planning the city layouts and design of schools, hospitals, rapid transit, airline and public facilities. Our clients include:


Kaiser Permanente - Pinole MOB                                              

Kaiser Permanente - Oakland Medical Center

Kaiser Permanente - Richmond Medical Center                       

Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Medical Group

Ross, CA Medical Group                                                          

Al Hada Hospital, Saudi Arabia

Al Hasa Hospital, Ssaudi Arabia                                              

Soroako Medical Center, indonesia